Jenny Affair Blames Editing

Jenny, the contestant who was eliminated from Frank the Entertainer in a Basement Affair because of a supposedly scandalous pic, says the show was edited to make her seem more reserved than she really was.

"They edited that," she wrote during a Twitter conversation with Basement Affair contestant Cathy. "To make it look like I was EXTRA reserved, when it wasn't like that."

Basement Affair editors might have also been exaggerating when they chose to blur the photo that led to Jenny being eliminated by Frank the Entertainer. (See the photo posted by Jenny here.)
"So what if I can take a sexy pic?" Jenny wrote. "I wasn't naked n the blurred out pic was over the top. Lol I was no where near naked."

And that's not all. Jenny also had another complaint while tweeting on Sunday. "Editing is a mfo!" she wrote. "Why would I EVER say the girls r jealous of RENEE?????"

Well, we can't say we're surprised to find out that a reality show went overboard in the editing room, but it's always good to hear from the contestants themselves. Gotta love Twitter for bringing us those instant updates.

Photo: Jenny From Frank the Entertainer in a Basement Affair. © VH1


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